Learning Support Program
Why Learning Support?
The BCCS mission statement emphasizes the primary goal of providing an excellent educational program that equips children for service to Christ. This concept is also at the core of the Learning Support programs at BCCS.
Like all teachers at BCCS, the learning support teachers do not focus solely on academics, but on the growth of the whole child as they learn how they have been made in God’s image and how they can serve Him.
Recognizing that a need exists to enable students who have unique learning abilities and styles to be able to thrive, a Learning Support Team has been established at BCCS. This team supports academic efforts of all students and teachers within the BCCS family, but deliberate efforts may be made to “level the playing field” for struggling learners and appropriately challenging those with high ability.
Learning Support FAQs
In elementary school, the core of the learning support program is differentiated instruction provided through a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS involves a comprehensive system of differentiated supports that includes universal screening, benchmark and progress monitoring, research-based interventions matched to student’s needs, educational decision-making using data, and evidence-based instruction. Differentiated reading instruction is provided at each grade level 3-4 times each week.
In the middle school, individualized assistance is provided primarily through guided study halls. These study halls take place in a 1:1 or small group setting in which students receive assistance in a variety of areas including studying for tests, completing assignments, organization skills, etc.
In the high school, students receive extra help in the context of a Study Skills course. This course is similar to a guided study hall session at the middle school level. However, some group instruction is provided regarding study skills strategies in addition to individualized assistance.
Students working significantly below level (2 or more years) in a core subject are provided instruction using an alternate self-paced curriculum as deemed appropriate.
Teachers in grades K-8 may request extra assistance for special assignments as needed.
The learning support team consists of BCCS staff and Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit (BVIU) staff and therapists.
Learning support is part of every child’s educational programming, therefore all students at BCCS benefit from the learning support program. The team members are actively involved with students, both in one-to-one and group settings, and with staff through professional development.
If a specific need or concern arises:
- Teachers, administrators, or parents can refer a student to the learning support team for additional assistance.
- Based on referral information and grade/testing history, the team will determine the need and level of support to be provided.
- Please note: the BVIU requires written parental permission before its contracted staff can provide direct support.
Teachers, administrators, or parents can discuss a need for comprehensive testing and academic recommendations from a school psychologist.
- Parents are encouraged to obtain an evaluation either through their local school district or a private practice.
- The Learning Support Coordinator will work with the psychologist as necessary.
- Once testing is completed, a meeting will be arranged with the student’s entire team (parents, members of learning support team, classroom teacher, administration) to discuss the results and ensuing action plan. These meetings always focus on the strengths and abilities that God has given the student. Written educational plans provide a framework for supports where needed.
- If necessary, the Learning Support Coordinator will draft an ESP or EAP.
- ESP and EAPs will be reviewed and updated yearly.
- Re-evaluations will be conducted as necessary by the local school district or private
Parents should share the documentation and relevant recommendations from the child’s physician.
- Once administration and the Learning Support Coordinator review documentation, a meeting will be arranged with the student’s entire team (parents, members of learning support team, classroom teacher, administration) to discuss the information and ensuing action plan.
- If necessary, the Learning Support Coordinator will draft an ESP or EAP.
- ESP and EAPs will be reviewed and updated yearly.
Yes. A majority of support is provided in the classroom, alongside students. However, sometimes it is necessary for students to receive targeted instruction outside of the classroom. When a student has a specific skill deficiency, the best use of educational time may involve individualized remediation or tutoring.
Occasionally, students hesitate to participate in pull out instruction. Pull out instruction is always coordinated to make the most effective use of a student’s time at school. The ability to recognize one’s own need for help requires a level of intellectual and emotional development not present in school- aged children. Therefore, parents are encouraged to support the process. In an atmosphere of Christian love, students are encouraged to accept one another’s unique qualities and circumstances. This aligns solidly with BCCS’s mission statement that stresses an environment of compassion and responsibility.