BCCS is a registered private school in the state of Pennsylvania offering education from grades K-12. BCCS has been recommended for accreditation with Christian Schools International (CSI) and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA). BCCS is a “parent governed” school and as such, is not affiliated with any church or denomination. The school board, elected by the Parent Association, conducts the business of the school.
There is no “typical” BCCS family! One word that describes us is diverse. Our students are the children of farmers, teachers, electricians, retailers, physicians, civil servants, mechanics, pastors, nurses, engineers, etc. Our families represent over 55 area churches and more than 15 school districts. Our constitution and philosophy of education reflect a Reformed perspective, which emphasizes relevance of our faith in every aspect of life. The emphasis is on Biblical truths rather than a specific church doctrine.
Christian education seeks to teach life skills from a Christian world-view while encouraging each student to develop his or her capabilities to the glory of God. The BCCS environment reinforces this perspective and includes Bible study and prayer times both as a part of the curriculum and as a spontaneous response to student needs.
Our students have the opportunity to explore a variety of activities such as physical education, music, art, chorus, band, hand bells, theater arts, drama, creative writing, and yearbook. BCCS is a member of various athletic conferences. We have a very active sports program competing at three levels: varsity, junior varsity and middle school. Many BCCS fine arts students are selected to participate in Honors Band and Honors Chorus, District Band and District Chorus, Regional Band and Regional Chorus, All State and Eastern Bands, Beaver County Band and Beaver County Chorus.
BCCS offers a variety of courses to meet student needs. We have an excellent college preparatory track for those planning on pursuing further schooling through a college or university. A track is offered for students looking to enter the work force or trade/technical school after high school. Internship programs, work release programs, teacher aid programs and specific classes provide students with hands-on experience to help them with decisions concerning their future careers. Beyond “typical” high school core courses, we offer College in High School (dual enrollment with Geneva College) Calculus, European History, Chemistry, and English. Our students can also attend the Beaver County Career and Technology Center and various programs through CCBC's Academies for Success.
Approximately 90% of our graduates continue further schooling in a four-year liberal arts college or university. The other ten percent enter the work force, community college, trade or technical school, or the armed forces. Many colleges throughout the United States accept BCCS alumni. For example, BCCS alumni have attended Allegheny College, Bucknell University, Calvin College, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western, Duquesne University, Geneva College, Grove City College, Messiah College, Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh and Wheaton College, to name a few.